Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thing #6 Mashups and 3rd Party Sites take 2

Since all this is for fun, I didn't want to miss creating a trading card. This is a personal picture that I turned into a trading card. This is truly fun, but if using with students be sure they have a plan for what they are going to say before creating the trading card. The story should come first!


  1. My boys loved the trading card. Looks like that redfish was a keeper!!! Thanks for putting the pressure on me to create trading cards for them!!! CS

  2. You're right about making sure the students have a plan for what they're going to write about before beginning. It's easy for them to get lost in adding lots of bells and whistles to make their cards look cool, but end up neglecting the educational part of the process. I like using Trading Cards for student projects on famous people, favorite characters and self portraits for beginning-of-the-year introductions.
