Thursday, June 24, 2010

Chapter 4: Cues, Questions, and Advanced Organizers

Love the ideas in this chapter that help students link current knowledge with new knowledge and in the process deepen what they will learn. We each have access to Word, Excel, Publisher, and Power Point for students so how easy is it to have the students create their own organizers. Not only do these organizers begin a study, but also serve as a guide through the unit. As a librarian, I especially like the idea of research prior to a field trip and then brochures to help guide the students and I hope to implement this idea. I know we often use technology to develop assessments or practice for a unit of study, but not as often prior to the unit. I have recently participated in the in-service provided by BISD Technology Department; Tech Café and was able to see how these simple activities could be used as described in this chapter in addition to using them as teacher created activities. KWL charts are important, but with these ideas, we can mix things up a bit!

What a wealth of multimedia presentations are available to aide us in whatever we are teaching. I remember my first introduction to Creative Commons when I discovered a picture of George Washington’s false teeth. I knew if I had such a reaction then students might also have an emotional reaction and would at least remember the book George Washington’s Teeth and have an interest in checking it out to read it independently. I began the lesson by showing the picture and asking the students what they thought it was, and then we discussed the common idea that George Washington had wooden teeth. The next time I do this same lesson, I will use the picture of the teeth as a graphic organizer and then utilize a video about Washington from Discovery Ed (United Streaming) as a narrative organizer before sharing the book.


  1. It sounds like you are beginning to put things together using a variety of technology resources. Our students do get excited about learning when we "mix things up a bit." We even have some high school teachers using the Tech Cafe tools when they thought high school kids wouldn't go for it. The realization that PowerPoint can be an easy desktop publishing tool for kids really changed my thinking about what kids can do witht he computer. Graphic organizers would be simple to create using PowerPoint.

  2. Thanks for sharing the picture, by the way. Love it!
