Wednesday, June 9, 2010

21st Century Learner

"What Kind of Education Do You Want Me to Have" is an interesting beginning for this discussion because we can't identify what types of jobs and careers will be available in our children's future. We can rest assured though that students need to adapt to a changing society. The verbs used in this video; think, create, analyze, consume, evaluate, apply, are not new and in many ways I feel we did a better job of this previous to the era of accountability and testing. Is it any wonder the number of students that dropout of school when we cannot seem to make learning and education relevant for them? I do find it interesting the number of teachers who feel it is not necessary to learn new technologies or to attempt to adapt to how students learn best. If adults are willing to stay stagnant then what types of examples are we setting for our learners?

I don't feel students are asking too much when they say "engage me" and they understand that technology is a tool that will help to engage them while we sit and create excuses. The introduction to Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works states that "technology can transform teaching and learning" what more can we want?

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the listing of the verbs used in the video. I hear teachers say too often that they feel like today's students want to be entertained because they have grown up with so much digital media. I think this video does a better job of expressing what kids want in the classroom - not entertainment but engagement.
